People who endure teenage or adult onset acne have a problem that is discouraging and increasingly tough to remedy. Acne light therapy utilizing high power blue light is the next generation in the struggle against acne breakouts. This specific high tech solution employs light photo-therapy to treat and overcome the underlying cause of acne. Blue light acne therapy uses a high-powered blue light which functions the same as clinical models found in the doctor's clinic. Rather, this kind of compact and lightweight unit is simple to use right in bed or even while relaxing on the couch.
Blue light acne therapy represents the future of acne light phototherapy because of the safe and effective organic therapy approach. Instead of drying out the skin with chemicals or even strong antibiotics, the blue light permeates your skin and starves acne-causing germs of much needed oxygen. The acne lamp emits light in the 405nm to 420nm wavelength range, which has been scientifically shown to be perfect for dealing with mild to moderate acne. The home acne lamp works as a hands free unit, enabling you to chill out or have a quick snooze as the light really does all the work!
The introduction of light therapy units for acne treatments has created a growing industry, however many of these devices just do not work. Blue and red LED treatments, photo-therapy devices, and other portable products are typically underpowered or battery operated. Only a desktop product permits treatment plans which are long enough to work. Although LEDs are very effective for professional medical models, in home use along with consumer units this particular technology is usually too weak to produce a improvement when treating acne.
To get clearer, more radiant, and acne free skin, try the blue light acne therapy and enjoy the results within weeks. Medical professionals charge between $75 and $100 a visit for blue light procedures in office. Most people will need any where from 6 to 12 blue light sessions to see a difference in their acne. This tends to get quite expensive, when compared to the $199 retail price of the home acne lamps.
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