Though some may be squeamish about acupuncture for fear of needles, students who are enrolled in acupuncture schools soon discover that acupuncture is not just about needles; in fact, they learn that there is a rich history and medicinal explanation that accommodates much of what acupuncture and Oriental medicine entails.
We all envision patients being probed and prodded with long, pointy needles, but did you know that needling is done with ultra-fine, hair-like needles that are virtually painless? In all actuality, acupuncture schools are a great investment for not only future practitioners but for community resources as well. You've heard the phrase, "...the more you learn..." This is essentially true when it comes to acupuncture.
Acupuncture school apprentices learn not only about "needling" techniques but they also receive a broad curriculum in Anatomy and physiology; Chinese medical terminology; Chinese medicine theories (TCM, pathology, etc.); Diagnostic methods and symptoms (E.g., Wang; Wen; Wen and Qie); Cell Biology; Biochemistry and blood work; Moxibustion; cupping; Oriental bodywork (Tuina); Qi Qong; Chinese Herbal Medicine; Internal medicine; Homeopathy; and more numerous, associated studies.
A vast school of thought, acupuncture courses encompass a number of practical applications. With Tuina massage, for example, students learn basic hand methods and full body treatments with the inclusion of Oriental medicine theories in Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements. Furthermore, acupuncture students begin to understand the ancient medical wisdoms and concepts that can still be applied today in a variety of health treatments for disease and other disorders.
Yes, acupuncture is definitely more than just needles. As a delicate "system" of health care, acupuncture students find that traditional Chinese medicine is comprised of valuable insight and knowledge in relation to theoretical meridians (channels) and qi (life force or life energy). They are taught how these intricate components can be gently manipulated in combination (or separately) through acupuncture, herbal medicine and other Oriental medicine disciplines to restore harmony and balance to the body. These, and related principle philosophies, are what continue to not only preserve the reputation of acupuncture, but they also reflect the power of innate healing capabilities that can be extrapolated through an alternative, yet natural means.
If you would like to learn more about Acupuncture Schools, we invite you to visit us at for more information.
DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on
About the Author:
By: Michael Bustamante
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