Acupuncture is being used for centuries to cure various diseases, it is more than 5000 years old; it works not only for physical problems but for psychological problems as well. It treats different pains, post surgery problems and even allergies. So you can say sinus can also be treated through acupuncture.
Sinus is a problem that becomes painful and irritating when it is prolonged because there is no specific treatment of sinus in allopathic. Many people suffer from severe headache in sinus which makes the patient more uncomfortable. In sinus people come up with pain, congestion and pressure in head around their cheeks and eyes.
So the best way to treat sinus is to get acupuncture treatment. Many people ask that is there any treatment for sinus in acupuncture? And the answer is yes! There is treatment for sinus in acupuncture and you can get relief from your sinus problem by receiving acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture is a treatment in which hair - fine needles are placed into the body of patient at some points to cure the imbalances of the energy ''Qi (pronounced as chee) inside the body. Acupuncture points are chosen based on your diagnosis. As there is a special connection between nose and lungs in Chinese medicine so many times sinus problem is detected as lung Qi deficiency, or an external factor attacking the lung in case of cold.
As there are different acupuncture points for different treatments and points such as LI 20, ST 2, bi Tong and Yin Tang (the local area around the sinus) might be used to treat the symptoms. While LU 9, LU 5 and some other points located on the arms will be used to treat the root. In simple words it eases the patient by releasing sinus pressure and causes the blocked sinus to flow. And it is true that the more blocked sinus is released the more it is relieved.
When the acupuncturists use these points to treat the symptoms, blood and Qi energy is brought to the area to help lessen the pain and discomfort. The use of distal corrects the imbalance of energy that allows the sinus problem to occur.
Therefore it can be said that instead of stopping or controlling your sinus by taking antibiotic, you can go to an acupuncturist and ask for the right treatment; let the acupuncture operate on the theory that our life energy Qi must flow uninterrupted through the body.
For more information on Acupuncture Los Angeles visit
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