Each and every one of us has emotional wounds, but until we admit it, we will remain in an emotional quagmire that keeps dragging us down. Until we express how we really feel, our healing process will be delayed and we will continue to be drawn to unhealthy situations or unhealthy relationships. Even an unhealthy relationship can be changed into a healthy one if the individuals involved are intent on healing themselves. We block our own healing when we seek to point fingers and blame others for the things they do in our lives. But until we recognize that we each bring our emotional baggage to the table we will all be in lost and found pointing fingers at the Baggage Claim guy for bringing us the wrong baggage.
Claiming our emotional baggage is essential to our growth and our happiness. Once we have claimed our emotional baggage, we can begin the task of unpacking each emotional item and figuring out which can be worn again, which was ruined by the travel and which ones can be recycled to become something new. We can also decide which ones are souvenirs that we can put away as fond memories and which ones were just plain junk that we no longer have a need for. Some of our emotional baggage is like that jeans we wore in high school and now at thirty-five we are hoping it fits us again or that it comes back in style. It worked well in high school, but now we are too old to wear it even if it fits and if it does comes back in style it will always remain the jeans we wore in high school. It no longer serves a purpose so throw it out. Similarly, some of our emotional baggage served us well as protection when we were younger and was not able to protect ourselves, but now we are adults we no longer need that kind of protection.
Trying to heal our lives without first clearing the emotional baggage will be counter-productive. It is tantamount to taking a refreshing shower and then putting on dirty underwear. If the image of that is disgusting, then so is the act of trying to heal our lives without first clearing our emotional baggage. Our internal energy will feel nasty and we will be left feeling oh not so fresh. We can begin to do healing work only when our heart, mind, body feels refreshed then we can begin to heal our soul.
Once we have sorted through our emotional baggage it is time to begin the healing process. So instead of looking towards the external self in order to heal you begin with the internal self. That's where your emotions lie. That includes accepting yourself as a perfect Be-ing. You are without flaws or faults. The greatest thing about yourself is that you can always improve on who you are because there is always room for improvement.
About The Author:
Trudy-Ann Ewan is a Spiritual Life Design Coach, Motivational Speaker, Author who is passionate about helping individuals create their passionate life. She motivates and educates individuals on how to fall in love with themselves and create a balanced and (w)holistic life by developing a better relationship with themselves without judgment. Sign up for the free Create Your Passion Monthly Newsletter at: free to share or repost this Article, but remember to include the above Bio.
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