There seem to be more people than ever worried about having enough money to pay bills, do fun things, cover emergencies and retire someday. People are worried about their careers, employment security and where their next job lies, should they become unemployed. Basic needs and survival issues are putting unprecedented levels of stress on relationships at home and work. Stress is compromising our mental, emotional and physical health. People are searching for direction and solutions leading to a better, safer and more predictable life.
We can no longer depend on the "historically dependable employer" for job security, or on government and institutions "too large to let fail" for solutions and bailouts. Historically, people depended on wise parents, grandparents, clergy, teachers and close friends for counsel and advice. The problem is that many of these people are now struggling with their own challenges. It's hard to think clearly and help others when you are hurting and struggling.
Looking for solutions outside of ourselves is the wrong and worst place to go. People have too long given their power to other people, organizations and institutions, allowing these others to tell them what to do and letting them make decisions on their behalf. This trend must end now, if we want to reverse what we are experiencing. This is an ideal time to look for solutions in the only places they can be found: our own brains and those of our "trusted advisors." We must use our brainpower at higher levels than ever before to create new outcomes and realities. The thinking and actions that created our current situation are incapable of making it better; they can only give us more of the same.
Hierarchy of Decision Making (From Best to Worst)
- You and your "trusted advisors"
- You
- Businesses and services providers having demonstrated integrous values, services and products
- Self-serving individuals, organizations, institutions and business
The reason for placing "trusted advisors" at the top is because they share your values, have common goals, believe in the "power within" and are committed to helping you in return for you helping them. Trusted advisor groups know that they can do more together than individually. They recognize that "flying solo" is a lonely and potentially dangerous act.
In conclusion, if ignorant and selfish thinking created our current colossal mess, then focused integrous thinking becomes the new pathway to a better future. Practical neuroscience is available to anyone interested leveraging their brain strengths, knowledge and experience to solve problems. This is a call for action to form critical masses of like-minded people to combine their brainpower for a more prosperous and peaceful life.
About the Author:
Stephen Hager is a lifelong learner, scientist, author, speaker and teacher. Along with Deanna Phelps, he is the co-creator of brain-based human development products. Their goal is to help people live better and more peaceful lives through the "power within." Since 1992, Deanna and Stephen have been developing practical neuroscience solutions for better communications, clearer thinking, faster learning, higher productivity, stress management and creative problem solving. Everything they have learned from 20 years of research and working with people is incorporated in the comprehensive and individualized Brain PathWays 14-page report. For a daily dose of practical neuroscience tips, visit and sign up for Free Daily Messages From Your Brain.
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