Thursday, June 2, 2011

Medicine Man | The Different Types Of Genital Wart Medicine

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease and are associated with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Genital warts present themselves in different variations, but they are almost always flesh colored, and are typically raised bumps on or around the genital area. Both men and women can suffer from genital warts, but there is treatment for this problem. Genital wart medicine can range from topical treatments to injections, and may be ongoing treatments. Some of them can prevent a genital wart before it appears.

Some topical medicines includes keratolytics. Keratolytics are agents that include acid bases that essentially burn away the warts, similar to the way a wart anywhere on the body is burned off.

Some keratolytics work for a longer period than others, so be sure to ask your doctor if this medicine is a long lasting topical treatment or one that will need continued, ongoing use.

Interferons are another type of genital wart medicine that works in a different way. Interferons are protein based medicines with antiviral and anti tumor effects. This medicine can be administered topically or it can be injected directly into the warts. The latter is the quicker, more effective method as it treats from the inside out.

There do tend to be a lot of side effects reported with this type of medicine so be sure to check with your physician for contraindications if you are taking or plan to take any other medications during treatment.

The new HPV vaccine can be effective in preventing genital warts that are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. This genital wart medicine is only available for women and girls between the ages of 9 and 26 as a vaccination. The genital wart prevention is a bonus of this vaccine, but it will not be administered as a treatment.

The HPV vaccine only treats for four of the more than 75 strains of HPV, so it is not a full proof prevention. If you happen to have genital warts at the time of your HPV vaccine, you can still transmit them to others during sexual contact. You should be treated for the warts separately.

There are some herbal genital wart medicines that claim to help not only these types of warts but all kinds of warts on the body. Herbal remedies are often very effective, but some of these medicines counter what the doctors will tell you about medicine for genital warts.

Most doctors will advise against using medicine for common warts on a genital wart. If you have genital warts, the best thing to do is see a doctor for treatment. It is not really a good idea to self-medicate, particularly for something as serious as warts in the genital area.

If medicines do not work to permanently cure your genital warts, you may need to have the warts surgically removed. Of course, they will return if you continue to have sexual intercourse with a partner who has the condition and is untreated. Ask your doctor for a genital wart medicine that will most likely not allow the warts to return on their own.

About the Author:

Author has published many sites including the resource about Genital Warts. Learn about a new Genital Wart Treatment [] by visiting the site, Genital Warts []

1 comment:

Lester Mendez said...

Great information about various medicine for genital warts. It's good to know, many health researchers and specialists discover and develop new treatments like these that will be very helpful for those who've infected about the said illness.

- Lester, Genital Warts Treatment Advocator