Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Natural Healing | Natural Home Heartburn Remedies

It seems that everyone is talking about the need to use natural acid reflux heartburn remedies but you seldom see actual recipes for these cures. Many of these time tested cures are rooted in folklore or oriental medicine. Conventional medical practice is to use either standard ant- acids or one of new prescription medications to control acid reflux and heartburn. Many natural medicine advocates and herbalists warn that taking a steady diet of ant-acids will lead to aluminum toxicity. However most credible research indicates there is no danger from taking ant-acids that contain aluminum unless you have other chronic illness. Never the less many people plain do not want to put anything unnatural into their bodies and natural remedies will give relief to these heartburn sufferers.

We researched a good many different home and natural remedies that are still in frequent use. We have listed these below for your use. We make no claim as to their effectiveness only that the people who provided the remedies claimed that they were very effective for relieving their acid reflux heartburn. All used ingredients that are found in the home or in the local health food store. It should be more or less obvious that if you are not eating or drinking properly, chewing tobacco or smoking, ingesting lots of caffeine or citrus, abusing alcohol or any other activity that will exacerbate your heartburn symptoms, it less likely that these remedies will be effective. In addition if you are suffering from GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, LES (lower esophageal sphincter) muscles problems, ulcer, chronic heartburn or any advanced form of Gastro Reflux Disease you need to see a physician that specializes in treating acid reflux disease. Delaying treatment can lead to a more serious condition.

  • Almonds: Eating almonds have reduced heartburns symptoms when taken prior to meals and an hour before bedtime.
  • Bananas: Bananas have a natural ant-acid in them that provide heartburn relief. Dried and powder bananas are available and at time more convenient to use.
  • Pineapples are a storehouse of enzymes and contain bromelain, an enzymes that breaks down proteins. Pineapples facilitated digestion, reduce inflammation, and supports wound healing. The fresh juice has a high level of enzymes that will help you stop your acid reflux. It is reported that using fresh pineapple provides better results.
  • Pineapples are a storehouse of enzymes and contain bromelain, an enzymes that breaks down proteins. Pineapples facilitated digestion, reduce inflammation, and supports wound healing. The fresh juice has a high level of enzymes that will help you stop your acid reflux. It is reported that using fresh pineapple provides better results.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables in particular diced apples, carrots and white potatoes are reported to give relief to heartburn pain. Several people have used this remedy for many years with reported success.
  • Vinegar is an acid in itself but it is the number one natural home remedy reported to us. That includes Apple, Japanese and white formulas. Most report that it burns going down the esophagus but once it reaches the stomach the pain and discomfort of acid reflux ends immediately.
  • Chamomile can be found in most health food stores. It is commonly used to make a tea by simmering 1 teaspoon of licorice root powder in a cup of water for about 15 minutes then add 1 tablespoon of chamomile to the pot and cover and let brew for another 10 minutes. Use a tea strainer to remove grounds and then drink while warm. It is reported that this works well as a daily therapy for acid reflux heartburn.
  • Licorice as mentioned above has long been used to treat the symptoms of heartburn. Sold in health food stores as DGL deglycyrhizinated licorice) it comes in the form of gum, chewable tablets or powder. The powder or tablets are usually dissolved in warm water, and then this composition is drunk. Again this remedy is usually most effective when taken as a preventative on a daily basis. As with all licorice it can temporarily raise your blood pressure.
  • Anise, Peppermint and lavender tea has been a popular home remedy for many ailments including reducing the symptoms of acid reflux. It reportedly reduces that amount of acid in your stomach. Boil two cups of water and pour over a tea strain filled with equal amounts of aniseed, peppermint and lavender. Let it steep for about 5 minutes then further strain out the grounds ad a few drops of honey. The prescription calls for drinking this tea with breakfast and again in the evening prior to retiring for the night.
  • Anise is considered a powerful herb that is used for many ailments including heartburn. Apparently there are many types of anise and it is recommended that you use sweet, European, or green anise and avoid star and caraway varieties. Some people have reported that using a couple of drops of anise oil in their morning green tea has help reduce acid reflux symptoms.
  • Peppermint was the second most common home remedy given to us in our search. Many heartburn suffers carry peppermint candies in their pocket and use these to sooth the burning sensation of heartburn. Health food stores have a number of peppermint products that provide an increase dosage of this herb. These in clued drops. Gum and tablets. Reported benefits include reduction of gas, bloating, cramps while improving digestion.
  • Lavender, also an herb is known to increase proper digestion while healing the damage that comes with acid reflux. It is most commonly used in teas.
  • Chicory is a bitter herb that contains the compounds of endive and escarole. Used to make teas it is best taken twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening to reduce the effects and discomfort of acid reflux heartburn. Chicory can also be added to fresh salads as well.
  • Papaya is a fruit of the tropics but also is grown in south Florida. It can be found in some grocery stores. The enzymes in this fruit have been used for hundreds of years for stomach disorders. The best result come from eating the fresh fruit with breakfast. Jellies made from papaya are also reported to give relief to the symptoms of heartburn. Some health food stores carry papaya related products including papaya enzyme that may be affective as well.
  • Turmeric is found in most curried foods. Someone suffering from heartburn would naturally tend to avoid spicy foods, however turmeric is known to aid in digestion and reduce stomach acid levels. It most commonly used in cooking but it is available in capsules. Taken prior to each meal it has been reported to stop or reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.
These are just some of the many natural home remedies that were reported to us during our research. Again all these remedies were reported to us as effective in reducing or stopping acid reflux heartburn symptoms. Each of us is an individual and as such will find that what remedy works well for one individual will not for another. As a result you will most likely have to try several of the above outlined remedies that will work for you.

As we stated in the beginning, if you are suffering from severe acid reflux disease in the form of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, LES muscle problems or chronic heartburn you need to contact your physician for a proper diagnosis. Failure to do so made lead to a more serious condition like esophageal cancer. According to the many people who contacted us, these time tested natural remedies do indeed work for many people with ordinary acid reflux heartburn disorders.

About the Author:

James Kesel, MS

Acid Reflux Heartburn Information

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