Since the beginning of time man has tried to figure out ways to prolong life. And since that time great strides have been made through scientific discoveries, and biological research. Much of what we have learned has added to the quality of our lives. It is also no secrete that certain life styles are leading contributors to the quality of our life weather positively or negatively.
As a people however we have struggled with many imperfections, and as time goes on we've fail miserably in our efforts to find the answers despite all of the brilliant minds that have contributed to our existence,
yet we must go on. Keeping it in prospective there's no reason realistically for any of us to over eat due to stress or simply greed, when there are proven ways to curve our appetites.
Bad eating habits and the preparation of food in certain ways is equally as damaging, to our lives. Binge eating on occasions is over looked, but our metabolism is forced to try and break down the food when our metabolic system is already slow. The out come is obvious, the mid section pays the price. Often times we never consider the long term effects of our actions until the problems crop up and were forced to deal with them. The long term effects can be so devastating that recovery form a body frame carrying around excessive pounds over extended periods of time can have irreversible effects on the body.
Genesis the creation of life and life forms, is a scientific answer for which has never been concluded, as to how we came to be. But one thing we do know that if you have a collection of waste, from that waste will spring forth life. Other insidious creatures take form maggots and bacteria spring to life from waste and left over trash.
Needless to say that the warm well hidden, unprotected organs of our bodies where in-lies crevices of collected waste sit for undermined time intervals festering and forming with in us other insidious things that create disease and any number of malicious problems.
Longevity has to start with taking better care of the issues that we allow to get out of control, over eating, waste collection, stress, lack of exercise, all of these things can be alleviated to a certain degree, and help is not for away, but we must act fast to much time has already past. Hopefully its not too late. Prevention is the cure to all our ailments. Are at least the majority of them!
Nate Young
About the Author:
Longevity has to start with taking better care of the issues that we allow to get out of control, over eating, waste collection, stress, lack of exercise, all of these things can be elevated to a certain degree, and help is not for away, but we must act fast to much time has already past. Hopefully its not too late. Prevention is the cure to all our ailments. Are at least the majority of them!
Nate Young
Here's to your Health [Http://]
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