Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Is Skype | Skype: What Is The Cheapest Way To Forward Calls To Skype?

I have a cell phone number that I want to keep.Skype won't let me transfer the # to my skype account.I want to keep the current number and forward all the calls to skype.What is the cheapest option for me to maintain the current number and forward all the calls? For example, I currently have a pay as you go plan and forward calls, but this is hardly a cheap way to forward calls since they charge $2 per day that the phone is used for anything (such as forwarding a call).

I have a pay as you go phone too.and you don't have to have the $2 plan. you can also have it as 25c per minute and that's it. and i dont like skype anyways. by the way, if u text a lot, you can also buy text packages like 1,000 texts for $10 which is a lot cheaper then 15c a text times a thousand.

You might want to consider using Majicjack or get a homephone and use number transfer to get one umber. if your eally need to forward, I can get you an option of getting all your calls forward for $10 per month. No commitment. Let me know.

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