Saturday, May 21, 2011

Medicine Man | Energy Medicine And It's Uses

The human body is an electromagnetic unit. Electricity makes the heart beat and muscles expand and contract, and fires impulses across tiny fibers in the nervous system to make possible our every thought, mood, and physical reaction. Energy medicine, or vibrational medicine, is a form of therapy in which the patient's own electromagnetic, or energy, field is used to promote wellness or healing. Energy medicine consists of a variety of therapeutic modalities, each of which has its own healing frequency, or energetic waveband.

Throughout history, the peoples of many nations have used various forms of vibrational energy for healing. Most traditional cultures identify some form of a basic life force flowing from a universal creator. In China it's called chi; in ancient Greece, pneuma; in India, prana; in Japan, qi. To the native peoples of the North American continent, this force is known as the flow of spirit. To all these peoples, the life force is the basis of physical, psychological, and spiritual health. These subtle, unseen energies are in corporated in the therapeutic vibrational methods of the different modalities, as healers work to enhance or rebalance this life force, strengthening it where it's weak, and modulating it where it's excessive.

One popular form of energy medicine works with the patient's aura. The aura, or auric field, reflects how one's life is being lived at the moment of observance. The vibration, color, and sound of the aura are all interrelated and represent a means of determining the frequency of energy in the auric field. A healer chan neling energy to a client will often experience reactions in his own body; for example, he may feel a vibration, "see" the color of the energy, or "hear" a sound he associates with a particular color or feeling (a phenomenon known as clairaudience). There are seven layers of the auric field.

The etheric body or layer is joined directly to the physical body, from which it extends outward 2 to 6 inches; it is referred to as "etheric double" because it contains a blueprint as well as replications of all the organs in the physical form.

The emotional body is the wellspring from which all our emotions, desires, joys, pains, sufferings, and passions emerge. Beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, and emotions particularly fearaffect the body through the nervous, endocrine, muscular, and immune systems; they can change the field or cause it to shut down.

The mental body is responsible for rational, clear, and intellectual functions. It's responsible for the conscious (that which we are aware of) and the unconscious (that which has been repressed or forgotten and exists just beneath the surface of consciousness) mind, as well as memories.

The astral body bridges dimensions of matter and spirit and is transitional between the first and last auric bodies. The astral body contains the entire personality and contains all the extraordinary abilities intuition, extrasensory perception, image projection, spiritual sight, and clairvoyance-as well as compassion for others.

The causal, or second etheric, body is the first layer of the spiritual realm, which contains the knowledge of the individual's purpose in life, his talents, and the lessons he must learn during the course of his lifetime.

The celestial body is the site of clear vision, in the spiritual sense of individual future, and is believed to contain a love that surpasses human love. It influences sight and other manifestations of visualization insight, foresight, inspiration, clairvoyance, and physical manifestation. It's sometimes erroneously called the third eye.

The spiritual and cosmic consciousness, also called the ketheric layer or body, is said to be in direct contact with the divine universe; it's the body's energetic blueprint. It is also a center of knowing without thought or reason. Our spiritual life resides here.

The auric fields are created and controlled by the chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "circle of movemene" The chakras are spirals of concentrated life force or vortices of energy. They're arrayed in a straight line at the center of the body, with the energy vortices of the second through the sixth extending out the front and back. The root chakra points downward, and the crown chakra points upward. In the northern hemisphere, healthy chakras spin in a clockwise direction, facing the front of a person. South of the equator, chakras spin in a counterclockwise direction. The direction of radiation, shape and diameter of a chakra indicate the state of its energy and the health of the corresponding or adjacent physical or gans.

Six secondary chakras are located in the palms of the hands, backs of the knees, and soles of the feet near the arches. There are twenty smaller tertiary chakras located on the tips of the fingers and toes. The second and third chakras in the hands are used to direct energy during healing practices; the second and third chakras in the feet are used to ground the healer while performing healing activities. Additionally, minor chakras are designated anteriorly over both hip joints, tips of the shoulder, and elbows.

Another type of energy medicine is non-local healing, in which the practitioner may be at some distance from the person to be healed. Non-local healing includes prayer, empathetic concern, and distant intentionality, in which healing thoughts and vibrations are sent to the person in need.

Reported uses

Energy medicine may be used in conjunction with a more traditional regimen to facilitate treatment of anemias, cancer, arthritis, colitis, Alzheimer's, inflammatory diseases, hypertension and heart disease, cellular diseases, viral diseases, over doses, and fractures. Energy therapy isn't effective with genetic diseases.

About the Author:

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