Diabetes Mellitus is the scientific name for the more commonly known Diabetes. The name perfectly explains the symptoms of this disease. Diabetes has been derived from the Greek term Diabanein which means "to pass through" in this case referring to the excess urination and the word Mellitus in Latin means "Sweetened with Honey", referring to the presence of excessive sugar.
Diabetes Mellitus is the scientific name for the more commonly known Diabetes. The name perfectly explains the symptoms of this disease. Diabetes has been derived from the Greek term Diabanein which means "to pass through" in
this case referring to the excess urination and the word Mellitus in Latin means "Sweetened with Honey", referring to the presence of excessive sugar.
A person having diabetes suffers from inability to produce or respond to Insulin thereby increasing the Glucose level in the body. This extra glucose is then excreted through urine. Because of this additional amount of glucose urination is more frequent and more water is flushed out of the body.As a result the diabetes patient feels thirsty.
There are basically three types of Diabetes - Type 1 , Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes is often a genetic disease and at times also caused by environmental factors. In this antibodies are produced within the patient's body that destroys the cells responsible for producing insulin. As the insulin production is reduced or stopped Glucose level goes up. Insulin injections are required to treat this type of diabetes.
Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes and generally observed in people over 40 years of age. Besides the genetic factors obesity is another major contributor for Type 2 diabetes.High Fat diets with low or nil physical exercise substantially increases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes is seen in women having high blood sugar during their pregnancy. There are high possibilities that the baby can get affected if mother is suffering from this.Also, it is often seen that women who suffer from gestational diabetes subsequently becomes a patient of Type 2 diabetes.
The most common symptoms of diabetes includes frequent urination, excessive thirst, increased fatigue, weight loss, blurry vision etc. This is no way a comprehensive list of diabetes symptoms and there can be many other . If you
are experiencing any of these it is advisable to take medical help at the earliest.
There are various resources on diabetes through out the www and an internet search can definitely provide with a lot of information. Diabetes has no fixed cure, a proper healthy lifestyle and control is probably the best way to control Diabetes.
About the Author:
By: Brookeh
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