Sunday, May 8, 2011

Healing | If Your Healing Doesn't Follow The Law Of Cure, Are You Truly Healing?

Had you been healthy in the past then suddenly developed a rash? After treating it, did it go away but another health condition appeared, perhaps deeper within the body, such as digestive upsets? And later did you develop something worse like asthma or heart disease?

Has treatment of these ailments caused them to go away and never come back?

If you have treated a health concern only to develop another condition, or if you have a condition that has not gone away yet, then your healing measures didn't follow the Law of Cure. In fact, it shows that you went in the wrong direction of healing-you went to develop chronic disease.

Hering's Law of Cure

Constantine Hering was a medical doctor a long time ago (1800-1880). At the time when he was in practice, the medical treatments of the time were seriously detrimental to a person's health: bleeding, purging, blistering, drilling holes in a person's head, etc. Like his colleague Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), Hering wanted to find a better way to treat his patients as over 50% of those treated with the conventional medical care of the time died from that care.

The "better way" was homeopathy.

As Hering watched his patients heal with homeopathy, he noticed a pattern of healing. When homeopathic medicines supported the body at each stage of healing, cure was the result. When a person wasn't treated with homeopathy, not only was cure not achieved, but the person's health continued to deteriorate as illnesses went deeper and more serious ones began to occur.

Thus Hering formulated the "Law of Cure". Hering and Hahnemann found that healing occurred in four different ways, either one of the ways or all four, depending on the person and the nature of their ailments:

From above downwards
From within outward
From a more important organ to a less important one
In the reverse order of their coming

From Above Downwards

If a person has an ailment of the brain and of the intestines, the brain would heal before the intestines do. If a person has a body rash, it will disappear first from the face then down the body to the feet.

From Within Outward

Diseases that affect deeper organs of the body will heal before those closer to the surface. If a person has asthma and eczema, the asthma would heal before the eczema. A wound heals from the underlying tissues to the surface tissues (the skin that we see daily).

From a More Important Organ to a Less Important One

The vital organs-heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and brain-as well as the pituitary gland would be the first to heal if a person had multiple ailments. If more than one vital organ was diseased, then a different part of the Law of Cure would determine which organ would have to be healed first. Still, all important organs would need to be healed first before the body began to work with the other "less important" organs (i.e. stomach, colon, pancreas, etc.). For example, if a person had heart disease and kidney disease, the heart disease would be healed first; if a person had kidney disease and an ulcer, the kidney disease would heal first.

In the Reverse Order of their Coming

Ailments that came most-recent tend to heal the fastest and first. If a person developed hives last week and has a twisted ankle today, the ankle would heal first.

How Disease Occurs-the opposite of the Law of Cure

It was discovered by Hahnemann and Hering that disease occurred in the opposite direction of the Law of Cure. Ailments occurred from the bottom up, less important organs to more important organs, and from outside the body inward. In 99% of cases of chronic illness, these two doctors found this pattern to be true, hence they were able to reverse the chronic illness and monitor the person's pathway back to health by watching for the removal of illnesses following the Law of Cure.

For example: Amy was born to an unwed teenage mother. The woman had a lot of distress during pregnancy. Amy was born with flaking skin that wouldn't disappear even with the strongest drugs for that condition. Amy began to develop cradle cap then had severe diarrhea after eating any formula; several had been tried. By the third week of her life, she had lost a lot of weight which required her to have tube feedings; a strong anti-diarrheal medication was given as well. Within 2 weeks the skin condition cleared and the diarrhea lessened. By age 2 months, Amy developed an ear infection, then another; by the time she was 1 year old, she had been on antibiotics 13 times and had surgery once to put tubes in her ears. When she was 18 months old, she developed asthma.

When Amy saw a Classical Homeopath, she was 6 years old and had been taking 5 different medications: an antihistamine (diphenhydramine), an oral asthma med (theophylline), a steroid/long-term inhaler (Advair), a fast-acting asthma inhaler (albuterol) and a drug for ADHD (Ritalin).

As Amy worked with the Homeopath, the practitioner saw Amy's health improve by looking for signs that Amy was progressing according to the Law of Cure.

First the ADHD settled down (top, most current, and a vital organ-brain)
Then the asthma healed (next most vital organ)
Then the diarrhea healed (a deeper organ than the ears or skin)
The number of ear infections diminished then disappeared
And lastly the skin condition healed

Amy's story showed the progression of disease and the reversal of disease as proven by Hering's Law of Cure.

But I Feel Better Taking Drugs

If you are taking a medical drug for a health condition, you still have that health condition even if you don't "see" it. For example, if you have allergies but take an antihistamine, you still have allergies-the drug just keeps your body from showing it.

If a health condition isn't healed completely, then it will likely weaken the body to the point where a more serious health condition will occur. Have you ever had a small health condition then developed a more serious one? Such as when a person develops a cold that never seems to leave, so he is diagnosed with a sinus infection and treated with antibiotics. But the sinus infection seems to stay and in the end he develops "chronic sinus infections", later to develop asthma.

This is the pattern of disease progression.

Why Do Diseases Go Deeper Inward?

Most infants are born with a strong healing force, called in Homeopathy, the "Vital Force". When the Vital Force is strong, only small ailments can occur because the Vital Force can heal just about anything. The main "job" of the Vital Force is to protect your life-it's main focus is to protect the vital organs from damage, even if it has to sacrifice other parts of the body to do so.

But if the small ailment isn't treated well, the Vital Force becomes weaker, thus opening the door for more serious ailments to occur (these include emotional disturbances). At each stage where an ailment had occurred, if it wasn't treated using Hering's Law of Cure, then the Vital Force becomes weaker and weaker until it can no longer protect the vital organs, then diseases of these occur: asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney failure, Alzheimer's Disease, and so forth. When the vital organs experience too much degeneration, death occurs.

When diseases are suppressed through chemicals (drugs), distraction techniques (music, TV, etc.), addictions (alcohol, shopping, gambling), etc., the Vital Force becomes weaker as it does not like to maintain a disease that is threatening your health.

Can Healing Still Occur When the Vital Force is Weak?

So long as there isn't too much degeneration of the vital organs, healing can still occur. Unfortunately, in our society, we have been conditioned and trained to believe that symptoms equals disease, hence all symptoms are suppressed or ignored. Illnesses that were minor then have the chance to become big illnesses, long-term illnesses, and life-altering illnesses.

When it's time to heal, call a Classical Homeopath. They will listen to you and tell you what your Vital Force is telling them-how to help you heal.

If your health has progressed towards disease, the time to act is now. Classical Homeopaths are trained to apply the right homeopathic at the right time to honor Hering's Law of Cure. You owe it to yourself to be free of disease.

Best wishes,
Dr. Ronda

About the Author:

By: Dr. Ronda Behnke

Dr. Ronda Behnke is a distinguished practitioner of Classical Homeopathy and Natural Healing methods. Amongst her clients, she is known for her exceptional insight and non-judgmental presence. You can contact Dr. Ronda via the website at http:/ / / or by calling 920-558-9806. For a FREE guide to help you along your healing path, visit the HCA website noted above.

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