Botanical name :- Tribulus terrestris
Family :- Zygophyllaceae
Common names :- Small Caltrops, Tribulus
Sanskrit- Gokshura ('cow scratcher'), Hindi- Gokharu, English- Land Caltrops and Puncture Vine, Cow hage; Telugu- Palleru, Tamil- Neringil, Bengali- Gokuri, Marathi- Kante gokaru.
Synonyms :- Trikantaka, Svadukantaka, Ikshugandhika, Svadanstra, Palankasa.
Classical Categorization :
Caraka: Shothhara, Mutravirechaniya, Krmighana
Susruta : Laghu panchamula, Vidarigandhadi, Viratarvadi
Vagbhata : Vidarigandhadi
General description :
Tribulus terrestris or Gokshura is identified as the best drug for Mutrakriccha i.e. Dysuria and vata rogas i.e. diseases caused by the vitiation of vata dosha. It is one of the herbs which is both Mutrala and shothahara which means it is both a diuretic as well as an anti-inflammatory drug.
Rasa : Madhura
Guna: Guru, Snigdha
Veerya: Shita
Vipaka: madhura
Karma: Vata-pitta hara, vrishya, mutrala, rasayana.
Botanical Description :
Gokshura is a annual or perennial herb with many spreading slender branches, the immature portions covered in a fine silky hair.
Leaves- The leaves are stipulate, oppositely arranged, usually unequal, abruptly pinnate, with 4-7 eight simple leaflets that are almost sessile to the leaf stem.
Flowers- Solitary, axillary or leaf- opposed, yellow or white. The solitary yellow flowers have five petals, and are borne in the leaf axils
Fruits- The fruits are globose, hairy, 5-angled, spinous with two long and two short spines on each cocci, each cocci containing several seeds.
Seeds- Obliquely pendulous.
Flowers and Fruits appear during April- August.
Parts used : Roots and Fruits.
Major Chemical Constituents :
Roots: Campesterol, B-sitisterol and stigmasterol
Fruits: chlorogenin, diosgenin, rutin, rhamnose
Aerial parts : astragalin, dioscin, diosgenin, hecogenin, ruscogenin, trillin, furostanol glycoside, spirosterol saponin, terrestrosides A-F saponins C and G etc.
Tribestan is a completely natural non-hormonal herbal (phytochemical) biostimulator derived from the plant Tribulus terrestris, which contains predominantly saponins of furostanol type, with prevailing quantity of protodioscin. It is a natural herbal alternative to synthetic anabolic hormones without any clinically proven toxic effects.
Administration of Tribestan leads to increased muscle mass by activating the enzyme associated with energy metabolism. At the same time it has also been reported to have the ability to increase of the body's natural endogenous testosterone and lutenizing hormone (LH), DHEA, and estrogen levels. With the increase of the body's natural endogenous testosterone level, it can help stimulating sexual functions.
Indications :
1)Mutrakriccha i.e. dysuria (painful/burning micturation)
2)Ashmari i.e. urolithiasis (kidney stones)
3)Crystalluria i.e. presence of crystals in urine.
4)Prameha (diabetes)
5)Hrdroga (cardiovascular disease)
6)Arsha (haemorrhoids)
7)Swasa-Kasa (cough, dyspnoea, asthmatic conditions etc.)
8)Klaibya (spermatorrhea, impotence, frigidity, infertility, venereal diseases etc.)
9)Kidney dysfunction, nephritis.
10)Recurrent urinary tract infections.
Therapuetic uses :
Various research works have been conducted on gokshura which revealed that this is a nephro-protective, hepato-protective drug. The decoction of its fuits and roots have found to be diuretic It also have Anti-Cancer and Lithotriptic properties.
The Vajikarna or Aphrodisiac property of Gokshura is well established by now. It has been extensively used for sexual dysfunction in both males and females. It's a libido and sexual behaviour enhancer which results in longer orgasms and climaxes.
Ancient science of Ayurveda identifies that this herb has an excellent positive effect on the urinary tract thereby soothing the 'Vrikka' - the Kidneys. It is considered to be a general health tonic and urinary tract disinfectant. It is most often used as a urinary genital support. It increases the energy levels and stamina of a person, thus it has become popular in increasing sports performance. In Ayurveda, it is called as 'Rasayana' meaning rejuvenating the health. This herb improves the longevity of a person by offering strength to the body organs and muscles and increasing the immunity. With the combination of other rasayana drugs, this drug makes an excellent rejuvenating formula for the body.
Kwatha or Decoction : 50-100 ml, twice daily
Churana or Powder: 3-6 g, twice daily
Important preparations of Gokshura :
Gokshuradi guggulu, Gokshuradi kwatha, Gokshuradi rasayana, Gokshuradyavleha, Dasmoolarishta.
About the Author:
By: Dr. Ashima Mahajan
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